Nominations Close: 5pm on Wednesday 18 September 2019

The City of Kalamunda is seeking nominations for the Design Advisory Committee (DAC).

The DAC is advisory in nature and provide formal technical and professional advice and recommendations to the City and Councillors on significant planning proposals. Applications should include a current CV, listing appropriate Qualifications. Contemporary experience in Architecture; Urban Design; Heritage Issues and Urban Conservation or Energy Efficient Building Design and Sustainable Development will be highly regarded.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the State’s Planning Framework, relevant City policies and development controls and design issues in the local area along with skills/experience in analysis and application of local planning strategies and policies; the ability to analyse, evaluate and offer objective and constructive feedback on complex design quality issues in design review, for evaluation of complex development applications and on strategic planning matters and good written and verbal
communication skills.

The City is currently seeking nominations to fill seven (7) community representative positions.

The role of the DAC is to provide formal technical and professional advice and recommendations to the City and Councillors on significant planning proposals.

The DAC is advisory in nature only and will not be able to make determinations on development applications or any other proposals.

The DAC shall only deal with matters that have been referred to them by the Director of Development Services or authorised officer.

If you are interested in participating on this Advisory Committee, please complete the online nomination form below.

To submit a nomination, you need to:

  • provide a copy of your CV / resume
  • respond to selection criteria.
  • Summarise your qualifications, experience and the benefits you can provide to the reference group
  • Read, Understand and Agree to the Terms of Reference (See document library)

Alternatively you can obtain hard copies of the required documents from document library or the following and submit:

  • In Person: City of Kalamunda Administration Centre located at 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda
  • By Post: P O Box 42, Kalamunda, WA 6926
  • Email:

Nominations to be received by 5pm, Wednesday 18 September 2019