
Notice of Development Proposal – Lot 101 (14) Brentwood Road, Wattle Grove

1 November 2017

This application has been deactivated and is currently not open for comment due to changes in the proposal. Once these changes have been received and reviewed this proposal will be available for comment.

Use Not Listed (Stockfeed Sales)

The City of Kalamunda has received an application for the proposed use of 14 Brentwood Road, Wattle Grove for stockfeed sales. The application incorporates the following key elements:

  • Retention and continued use of the existing dwelling.

  • Construction of Two (2) 12m x 40m steel sheds, 5m wall height and 5.8m ridge height.

  • The sheds are proposed to be used to store and sell hay, grain, chaff and stock feed.

  • Hours of operation are proposed to be 8am – 5pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am – 1pm on Saturdays.

  • A maximum of two (2) staff members would be on site at any given time, and it is expected that the site would receive approximately 20 customers per day.

  • It is estimated two (2) deliveries will be undertaken from the site per day, via an 8.8m small rigid truck and a four-wheel drive.

Plans and documents setting out an explaining the development application are now deactivated and are no longer available online as the comment period has now concluded.

Alternatively, plans and documents will be open for inspection during the comment period at the City’s Administration Offices located at 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda, during office hours.


Comments to be received by 5pm on 15 November 2017.

Any person who wishes to comment is required to submit their comments by the close date via:

Online: submit online here
By Email:
By Post: City of Kalamunda, PO Box 42, Kalamunda 6926