Forrestfield / High Wycombe Industrial Area Stage 1

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Consultation has concluded

refers to land parcels held in various public and private ownership and generally bounded by Roe Highway, Berkshire Road, Milner Road and Sultana Road West (the
subject land).

The planning for Stage 1 is now complete. The area is now being developed under the Industrial Development zone, in accordance with the adopted Structure Plan and taking into consideration the Design Guidelines for the area.

Following the announcement of the rail station, the WA Planning Commission has requested that the City consider the implications of the Forrestfield Rail Link on the surrounding areas in Forrestfield and High Wycombe.

The City has been instructed by the State Government to prepare a new District Structure Plan over the areas commonly known as Stages 2 and 3, in order to identify whether new land use opportunities ought to be considered to take advantage of the Forrestfield train station. These changes would still require the rezoning process underway to continue, so the City will continue to pursue it as a priority.

For information regarding land use planning for areas formerly known as Stage 2 and 3 please refer the Forrestfield North project.

The Forrestfield/High Wycombe Industrial Area – Stage 1 Local Structure Plan (the Structure Plan) relates to 69 land parcels held in various public and private ownership and generally bounded by Roe Highway, Berkshire Road, Milner Road and Sultana Road West (the subject land).
View more information and associated project information

The planning for Stage 1 is now complete. The area is now being developed under the Industrial Development zone, in accordance with the adopted Structure Plan and taking into consideration the Design Guidelines for the area.

Following the announcement of the rail station, the WA Planning Commission has requested that the City consider the implications of the Forrestfield Rail Link on the surrounding areas in Forrestfield and High Wycombe.

The City has been instructed by the State Government to prepare a new District Structure Plan over the areas commonly known as Stages 2 and 3, in order to identify whether new land use opportunities ought to be considered to take advantage of the Forrestfield train station. These changes would still require the rezoning process underway to continue, so the City will continue to pursue it as a priority.

For information regarding land use planning for areas formerly known as Stage 2 and 3 please refer the Forrestfield North project.

The Forrestfield/High Wycombe Industrial Area – Stage 1 Local Structure Plan (the Structure Plan) relates to 69 land parcels held in various public and private ownership and generally bounded by Roe Highway, Berkshire Road, Milner Road and Sultana Road West (the subject land).
View more information and associated project information

Consultation has concluded
  • Development Contribution Plan: Report 2018

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    CLOSED: This comment period has concluded.

    Comments closed 5pm on 8th May 2018.

    At the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) held 27 March 2018, Council resolved as follows:

    “That Council:

    1. Adopt the Forrestfield/High Wycombe Industrial Area Stage 1 – Development Contribution Plan – Report: 2017 – 18 (Attachment 1) for the purposes of public advertising for a period of not less than 28 days by post to the affected landowners.

    2. Conduction of a community information evening with affected landowners.”

    The review to the Development Contribution Plan (DCP) Report has resulted in a decrease in the contribution rate to $20.92/m² from the current adopted rate of $29.79/m².

    View Minutes from the March OCM
    View DCP Report

    Alternatively, the documentation can be viewed at the City of Kalamunda Libraries or Administration Centre during office hours.

    Information Session:
    An information session regarding the Forrestfield / High Wycombe Industrial Area Stage 1 - DCP Report will be held at the City Administration Centre on Friday 27 April 2018 at 4pm. The purpose of the information session will be for the City to present major elements of the DCP Report and provide landowners the opportunity to ask questions.

    Comments to be received by 5pm 8th May 2018.


    Any person who wishes to comment is required to include the property affected with the submission comments to:

    Online: submit online
    By Email:
    By Post: City of Kalamunda, PO Box 42, Kalamunda 6926

  • Update (April 2018)

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    Infrastructure Provision Update - Nardine and Ashby Works

    On-site works for the future widening and extension of Nardine and Ashby Close are expected to recommence from Monday 9 April 2018, pending approval of contracts and documentation. The works are expected to be complete by 30 June 2018, weather and site conditions permitting.

    The works include street lighting upgrades and the construction of a road cross fall, which will facilitate drainage when Ashby Close is widened.

    Infrastructure Provision Update - Intersection Upgrades

    The design and tender documentation for the proposed upgrades at the Dundas/Berkshire/Milner, Milner/Nardine and Berkshire/Ashby intersections are progressing well.

    Tender advertisements will be distributed around late-April/early-May 2018. It is anticipated that the tender will be awarded in mid-2018 with the aim to have all intersection works completed by the end of 2018. The target completion will be subject to receipt of tender(s), Council support and construction program.

    A major consideration for the programming of works will be the management of traffic movements through the busy Dundas/Berkshire/Milner intersection, given the extent of the work area.

    The Milner/Nardine intersection will also be reconstructed/widened, however managing traffic movements at this intersection will be less challenging due to traffic volumes and space.

    The Berkshire/Ashby intersection involves widening of the existing intersection and little (if any) reconstruction, with the required works only impacting those vehicles accessing/egressing Ashby Close.

    Works by Western Power to install underground power and modify overhead infrastructure are currently underway and are expected to be complete in May 2018. This involves works to four power poles, two stay poles and street lighting. These works are essential to provide the necessary space for construction and are all taking place within existing verges.

    It is noted that all works relating to Western Power infrastructure at the Milner/Nardine intersection have been completed.

    Infrastructure Provision Update – Road 2A

    Design and tender documentation for Road 2A was completed approximately 12-months ago, however implementation of the first stage (the second being subject to land acquisition) is currently on hold pending confirmation of funding. The delay is a result of the complications that arising from the Nardine/Ashby works.

    On receipt of confirmation that funding is available, design and tender documentation will be reviewed to ensure full compliance and the works advertised for tender, including a review of the proposed street lighting design by Western Power.

    The tender award process is expected to take approximately four months. If tender award is supported by Council, construction is expected to take three to four months to complete.

    Changes to the Developer Contribution Rate

    Council at its Ordinary Meeting held 27 March 2018 resolved as follows:

    “That Council:

    1. Adopt the Forrestfield/High Wycombe Industrial Area Stage 1 – Development Contribution Plan – Report: 2017 – 18 (Attachment 1) for the purposes of public advertising for a period of not less than 28 days by post to the affected landowners.

    1. Conduction of a community information evening with affected landowners.”

    The review to the Development Contribution Plan (DCP) Report has resulted in a contribution rate reduction from $29.79/m² to $20.92/m². The rate reduction is primarily due to the following factors:

    • Utility relocations have been further investigated.

    • Utility relocations are now included within the respective road estimates.

    • Infrastructure upgrades to Dundas Road are no longer required given the review of the infrastructure framework and as such no utility relocations are required on Dundas Road.

    View associated documentation here

    Public advertising of the DCP Report will be undertaken between 10 April 2018 and 8 May 2018.

    An information session regarding the Forrestfield / High Wycombe Industrial Area Stage 1 - DCP Report will be held at the City Administration Centre on Friday 27 April 2018 at 4pm. The purpose of the information session will be for the City to present on the DCP Report annual review, provide an update on infrastructure upgrades and provide landowners the opportunity to ask questions.

    A submission on the DCP Report can be made either online, email or via post PO Box 42, KALAMUNDA WA 6926.

    At the conclusion of the advertising period, the DCP Report will then be reviewed in light of information received during public advertising period and presented to Council for final adoption.

    Local Structure Plan Modifications – Consideration by the Western Australian Planning Commission Statutory Planning Committee on 27 March 2018

    The modifications to the Forrestfield/High Wycombe Industrial Area (Stage 1) Local Structure Plan (LSP) were considered by the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) of the WAPC on 13 March 2018, and again on 27 March 2018, after it was deferred to allow consideration of the matter together with Amendment 91 (relating to Lot 50 Sultana Road West – see below).

    The modifications, which were recommended by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 25 September 2017, included the following:

    • Reducing the minimum lot sizes for Lots 3-6 Ashby Close, Lots 50-52 Sultana Road West and Lot 547 Berkshire Road from 1 hectare to 2000m²;

    • Revised road and movement network plans; and

    • Introducing additional development standards to support composite residential/land uses on Lot 50 Sultana Road West.

    The recommendations provided by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to the SPC was against the City’s proposal in relation to the following matters:

    • Remove the minimum lot size provision of 2000m² for Lots 3-6 Ashby Close, Lots 50-52 Sultana Road West and Lot 547 Berkshire Road and replace with a minimum lot size of 1 hectare.

    • Remove the land use identification of Lot 50 Sultana Road West from Special Use to Industrial Development and the associated composite development requirements.

    The City made a deputation at both of the abovementioned SPC meetings recommending the WAPC approve the LSP as adopted by Council. Landowners directly impacted by the recommendation of the DPLH were also contacted by the City prior to the SPC’s final consideration of the matter to advise of the possibility of giving a deputation to the SPC.

    However, the SPC ultimately resolved to endorse the recommendations put forward by the DPLH. While this is not the City’s preferred or recommended outcome, modifications to the LSP document/maps are now required to be made and resubmitted for final approval in accordance with the WAPC’s recommendation.

    Amendment 91 to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 – Special Use – Lot 50 Sultana Road West, High Wycombe

    This amendment, was also considered at the SPC of the WAPC on 27 March 2018 as a confidential item, concurrently with the aforementioned modifications to the LSP.

    Amendment 91 seeks to introduce a special use zone into Schedule 4 of the Local Planning Scheme No. 3 to incorporate composite industrial/residential land use permissibility requirements for Lot 50 Sultana Road West. Forrestfield/High Wycombe Industrial Area (Stage 1) structure plan would address development standards, whereas Amendment 91 would determine use permissibility; essentially requiring a dwelling the subject lot and making all industrial based ‘P’ uses discretionary.

    Given the SPC item was confidential, the City is unaware of the recommendation put forward on 27 March, however the City made a deputation in support of the amendment as proposed and endorsed by Council.

    It understood that this will be made available once the recommendation has been considered by the Office of the Minister for Transport, Planning and Lands.

    Amendment 88 to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 – Development Contribution Plan

    Amendment 88, which was endorsed by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 25 September 2017, proposes to modify the following aspects of Schedule 12 of the Local Planning Scheme regarding the DCP:

    • Land valuation methodology.

    • Clarify upgrades to the road network for Berkshire Road, Milner Road and the future Nardine Close/Berkshire Road connector road.

    • Modify the calculation contribution methodology to collect contributions on a net lot area basis as opposed to gross lot area.

    • Amending the wording of Schedule 12 to reflect the following:

    • Removal of pavement widening on Berkshire Road.

    • Modifications to the phrasing of Berkshire/Milner Dundas Road Intersection.

    • Removal of upgrades to Dundas Road.

    • Removal of entry statements from the LSP and DCP.

    This Amendment has progressed through to the Minister for Transport, Planning and Lands for approval with only minor textual modifications.

    Need More Information?

    If you want to know more or have any questions, please contact the City of Kalamunda Strategic Planning team on 9257 9999 or via email at