What is the Forrestfield North project and what has happened so far?

    In 2014, the State Government confirmed the Forrestfield-Airport Link project, inclusive of a new rail line to Perth Airport and a train station in Forrestfield North near High Wycombe. With the proposed development of a new rail line and train station, the City and key State Government Agencies including the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) identified the need to redefine the potential land uses surrounding the future station, focussing on mixed use development incorporating retail, commercial and higher density residential.

    In September 2015, the City adopted the Forrestfield North District Structure Plan (DSP), which set a vision and planning framework for development surrounding the future train station. The District Structure Plan was approved by the WAPC in September 2016. A copy of the District Structure Plan can be found at www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/FN. The long term strategic planning vision for the area as set out in the District Structure Plan is to create an attractive, vibrant and sustainable urban setting within a landscaped context, focused on medium and high density housing with local employment opportunities. Future development of the area will include:

    • a new activity centre with shopping opportunities and other services to meet the needs of an expanding local population (referred to as Forrestfield North – Activity Centre Precinct); and
    • a new commercially focused Transit Oriented Development (TOD) (link to technical questions below) precinct based around the new train station (referred to as Forrestfield North – TOD Precinct)
    • a residential precinct (referred to as Forrestfield North – Residential Precinct)

    Since early 2017 the City, with the assistance of Planning Consultant Element (previously TPG + Place Match), have been preparing detailed planning for the above precincts. It is noted that the three (3) precincts have been consolidated into two (2) to account for efficiencies and synergies associated with the structure plan preparation process.

    The City of Kalamunda undertook public consultation on what landowners and community members thought was important for the Local Structure Plans in 2017. Key outcomes of this engagement process included a desire from the community for a family-oriented and natural vibe, to celebrate creeks and streams, recreation and bushland living in design and provide sporting facilities and open green spaces that are lacking in the area.

    Development of the draft Local Structure Plan (LSP) for the Residential Precinct is now complete and on 30 April 2018 was approved by Council for the purpose of advertising. The City of Kalamunda is now seeking community feedback on the draft Local Structure Plan.

    What is the next step for the Forrestfield North project?

    Once the public advertising period for the Local Structure Plan has concluded at 5pm, Monday 2 July 2018, the City and its team of expert consultants are required to consider submissions received, and finalise the Local Structure Plan having regard to these submissions. The feedback will then be provided to a Council Briefing Meeting for consideration and an Ordinary Council Meeting for making a decision on whether to adopt the finalised Local Structure Plan with or without modification. It is currently anticipated that the final Local Structure Plan will be presented to Council in September 2018.

    Following Council’s adoption of the Local Structure Plan, the City is required to prepare a report and recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for a final decision. The WAPC is generally expected to make its decision within 120 days of receipt of the Local Structure Plan.

    Further information on the statutory decision making process for Local Structure Plans is outlined in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

    The implementation of the structure plans will be supported by detailed design guidelines also being prepared as part of the project.

    Why is community consultation being undertaken?

    The City of Kalamunda has worked with the community since the beginning of the Forrestfield North project to ensure the principles and objectives of the planning for the area appropriately reflect the needs and desires of the community. The City is also required to advertise the Local Structure Plan under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 in a number of different ways.

    The community’s ongoing feedback, particularly during this advertising period, is imperative as it will guide the final development of the Local Structure Plan and ultimately the coordination and implementation of subdivision and development within the Residential Precinct.

    When will the draft TOD Precinct be released?

    The State Government has not indicated the timeframe for the completion of the further analysis of the Train Station Precinct and therefore it is difficult to put a timeframe on the release of the draft. The project team has however done a significant amount of work on the Train Station Precinct to date.

    I live or own a property within the project area - how will my property be impacted?

    The draft Local Structure Plans inform detailed planning and include guidance on key future development and subdivision potential, including commercial development potential and land requirements for road reserves, essential services provision (power, water, sewer etc), community infrastructure and public open space. Refer to the Local Structure Plan to identify the proposed future land use of your property

    I live within the project area - how will the value of my property be impacted?

    There are many factors such as market conditions, site amenity, cost of servicing, lot size, existing structures, and subdivision potential which can influence property value. The City of Kalamunda recommends land owners seek expert advice in relation to property values.

    Ultimately, property values are determined by market forces (i.e. how much a purchaser is prepared to pay for a property).

    I live within the project area - will my rates go up?

    Rates in Western Australia are principally based on Gross Rental Values (GRV) which are assessed every four (4) years by the Valuer-General. The GRV is influenced by factors relevant to the buildings on the property together with the facilities and services available in the area generally such as community and recreation facilities, shops and transport infrastructure. It is possible that the GRV may change over time during the ongoing development and subdivision of the Local Structure Plan (LSP) area. Naturally this may result in a proportional change to the rates payable (i.e. rents will increase because of amenities).

    In the event that a landowner chooses to demolish existing buildings on their land, the calculation on rates applicable is based on a vacant land valuation. This may attract a higher rate as a result of the change in classification through the finalisation of the LSP.

    When will the Local Structure Plan be finalised?

    The project team is working towards the completion of local structure plans (and supporting technical documents) by the end of 2018. Indicative timeframes are shown in the diagram below. These dates are indicative only, and may need to change as the project progresses. In particular, resolving environmental and engineering issues can take a long time in consultation with the relevant State Government Departments. The Transit Oriented Development Precinct is dependent on the timing of the State Government outputs.

    Project Timeline

    Who will be involved in the project?

    The City of Kalamunda is managing the project. The City appointed Element (previously TPG+Place Match) in February 2017 and an expert consultant team to prepare the local structure plans, supporting technical documents and the developer contribution plan. The key State Government Agencies and industry bodies involved in the project include:

    • the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage;
    • the Public Transport Authority;
    • the Department of Transport;
    • Main Roads Western Australia;
    • the Freight and Logistics Council of WA;
    • the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions;
    • the Office of the Environmental Protection Authority;
    • the Department of Education; and
    • the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

    Landowners, the community and other interested parties will be invited to get involved throughout the project.