Are you 12 - 20? Living, working or studying in the City of Kalamunda? Full of ideas, fiercely creative, passionate or wanting to make a difference to your community?

If you answered yes to the above then the City’s Youth Action Kalamunda (YAK) team needs you! The YAK is a group for young people, led by young people. If you live, study, work or play in the City of Kalamunda, are aged 12 - 20 and are passionate about making a difference to your community, then we want you to join the team.

As a YAK member, you will get the opportunity to learn new skills, be inspired, share ideas and develop creative solutions to community issues.

With the current health crisis being experienced, our fortnightly meetings have been transitioned into virtual discussions and ideas. Feel free to jump in, participate and share your ideas and stories.

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What can we do to engage with young people online?

<p>Due to COVID-19 and protecting the health and safety of our community we cannot deliver face-to-face events like normal. What can we be doing instead to keep engaging with youth in the City of Kalamunda?</p><p>In your responses, try to keep in mind our deliverables in the Youth Plan. <br></p>