Fire Hazard Assessments - 1 November 2023 to 31 March 2024
📣📣📣 The works outlined in the annual Fire Hazard Reduction Notice must be completed by 1 November and maintained up to and including 31 March. The City’s Community Bushfire Preparedness Officers will undertake fire hazard assessments across all areas within the City starting with Paulls Valley, Hacketts Gully and parts of Gooseberry Hill.
Keep an eye on the City's website and Facebook page for up-to-date locations of where we are visiting.
Can't Find your Notice?
If you can't find the Fire Hazard Reduction Notice sent, you are able to check you have completed and comply with all the requirements under the current Fire Hazard Reduction Notice online via:
Need More Information?
Please contact the City of Kalamunda via:
Phone: (08) 9257 9999
In Person: 2 Railway Road Kalamunda
My Bushfire Plan
No matter how you become aware of an emergency, whether it's via phone, from a neighbour or by seeing smoke or flames, take immediate action for your own safety. Do not reply on receiving a warning message to your phone.
Prepare for a bushfire now and protect what matters most.
Get started at
Bushfires have the capacity to strike without warning and provided with the right environmental conditions, can quickly exceed firefighting resources. For this reason, it is imperative that households and individuals are prepared for bushfire, monitor local conditions and have a household survival plan in place.
Information on how to prepare for bushfire can be found on both the DFES and Emergency WA websites, and in the links provided.
During an emergency, up to date information can be obtained from Emergency WA. Thank you for your time, stay safe this bushfire season! .