Consultation has concluded. Click to view the Community Engagement Report and the Final Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2 Facility Co-location Strategy (or see the Document Library tab).
Grow. Play. Learn. Together.
Draft Hartfield Park Master Plan (HPMP) Stage 2: Co-location Strategy
This consultation has now closed, thank you to all who contributed. See below for the Outcomes of the engagement.
Hartfield Park, Forrestfield is primarily used for active recreation activities by sporting clubs. The Draft Hartfield Park Master Plan (HPMP) Stage 2: Co-location Strategy developed in conjunction with Dave Lanfear Consulting, aims to maximise opportunities for active and passive recreation for the community, in particular the co-location of sporting amenities; and improved car parking infrastructure.
Our Vision: The City of Kalamunda has a vision for Hartfield Park to be a place for everyone to grow, learn and play in the heart of Forrestfield.
Hartfield Park Reserve is the largest sporting and recreation reserve within the City of Kalamunda (approx. 160ha), containing a wide range of regional community sport and recreation infrastructure that services an extensive area.
HPMP Stage 1 (2010)
In 2013, the City received $6m to implement the HPMP (Stage 1).
Key features included:
- A new grassed playing field and clubroom for hockey and teeball at the old pony club site.
- Expansion of Morrison Oval playing field space.
- Implementation of the Hartfield Park Aquifer Recharge Project.
- New grandstand and changeroom upgrade for Football (soccer).
- New match standard sports lighting for Rugby Union and Football (soccer).
- New viewing area for AFL at Reid Oval.
- New car parking to Bowls.
- New playground.
- Refurbished tennis courts.
The original 2010 HPMP (Stage 1) identified that several existing facilities were single use and indicated the need for a co-located facilities.
HPMP Stage 2
Dave Lanfear Consulting prepared Draft Hartfield Park Master Plan (HPMP) Stage 2, in conjunction with the City of Kalamunda and the various sporting user groups at Hartfield Park, building on HPMP (Stage 1), and provide a strategy to guide future development of the reserve.
The objectives of the study were to consider the viability, or otherwise, of co-locating key stakeholders and to investigate how the existing reserve and its facilities can be improved to respond to contemporary design, users’ expectations and meet the general needs of a growing community.
The proposal includes plans to improve the off-street parking within the site and infrastructure, such as improved storm water drainage.
Key features include:
- New clubroom facilities for AFL / Little Athletics; Bowls and Tennis; Rugby Union and Cricket.
- Unisex changerooms for Rugby League and Football (soccer).
- New Little Athletics infrastructure including long jump pits.
- Extension of Morrison Oval with new sports floodlighting.
- A new facility for Foothills Men’s Shed.
- New cricket nets.
- Conversion of a grass bowling green to synthetic.
- Development of two new tennis courts.
- Expanded and realigned car parking across Hartfield Park.
For further information please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions tab.
We are keen to hear your thoughts on the project.
Have your say and complete the Survey via the tab below.
Please share your thoughts by completing the survey below, or alternatively, written submissions can be submitted to the City via:
By Post: PO Box 42, Kalamunda, WA 6926.
In Person: 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda WA 6076
By Email:
Feedback closed on Wednesday 26 May 2021, 5.00pm!
Click to view the Community Engagement Report and the Final Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2 Facility Co-location Strategy (or see the Document Library tab)
All feedback was examined and an overview was provided for the Public Agenda Briefing Forum held on the 10 August 2021; and went to the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 24 August 2021, where Council resolved to:
- RECEIVE the public comment on the Draft Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2 – Co-location Strategy. (Attachment 2* and Attachment 3*).
- ADOPT the Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2 – Co-location strategy (Attachment 1*).
- NOTE that all the capital projects identified within the Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2 – Co-location Strategy shall be considered by Council for inclusion within future City of Kalamunda advocacy campaigns, the Long-Term Financial Plan and subjected to annual budget deliberation processes.
Subscribe via the 'Stay Informed' tab to receive any updates on the project.
Project update as of 2 February 2022: the City has been advocating for external funding, including a grant application to the State Government through the Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund. An outcome on the funding is expected in the coming months.