UPDATE 22 JULY 2020:

Thank you to everyone who took part in the City of Kalamunda's community engagement process for Heidelberg Park in 2019.

The vision for Heidelberg Park is moving forward with the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) commencing public advertising of the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment on 21 July 2020.

Background information and details on how you can have your say are outlined below:


Heidelberg Park is a regional reserve, located at 420 Canning Road, Carmel and is also bordered by Pomeroy Road.

In mid-2019, the City sought feedback from the community on their vision for Heidelberg Park. The community consultation included a survey, information stall and an open workshop at the site. Results from the community engagement can be viewed in the following document:

The community during the engagement process expressed a high level of desire for aged care, protection of environmental values and enhanced public open space.

Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment

Due to the community’s desire for aged care, the City after consultation with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) sought to initiate an MRS Amendment at Heidelberg Park. At the November 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to request the Western Australian Planning Commission to rezone a portion of Heidelberg Park from Parks and Recreation to Urban.

On 6 May 2020 the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) resolved to initiate the MRS Amendment. On 24 June 2020 the Environmental Protection Authority determined not to assess the Amendment.

View Existing MRS Map

View Proposed MRS Map

Concept Plan

In response to the feedback from community and to support the MRS Amendment request and future detailed planning, a Concept Plan has been prepared.

View Concept Plan

Public Advertising of MRS Amendment 1372/57 - Pt Lot 800 Canning Road, Carmel

Plans showing the proposed changes and the WAPC's amendment report which explains the proposals can be accessed from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website or by visiting the WAPC, Level 2, 140 William Street, Perth; the State Library of WA; and the office of the City of Kalamunda.

Documents are available on request from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage by telephoning (08) 6551 8002 or by emailing mrs@dplh.wa.gov.au and quoting the amendment number 1372/57.

Online Survey

Should you wish to comment on the proposed amendments, you can do so by completing the online survey.

The WAPC will consider all submissions before making a recommendation to the Minister for Planning, who will then make a final decision on the proposed amendments.

Comments close 5pm, Friday 25 September 2020.
