
Making special local Heroes: Angelina Watson

15 September 2021

The City of Kalamunda presented Angelina Watson a Community Local Heroes Award recently, for her work supporting Carers through the local “Make it Special” arts and craft group.

The “Make it Special” group, run by Ms Watson, creates an environment where Carers can come together to unwind, be appreciated, feel supported, share experiences, and make new friends. Ms Watson, who is a Carer herself, has changed the lives of many, for the better, using her own experience and passion to help others.

Mayor Margaret Thomas JP said, “Although a Carer’s role comes with many intrinsic rewards, it can also be very tiring and overwhelming at times. Groups such as these are incredibly valuable in providing support, and the opportunity to talk - or listen - informally to someone who understands and is going through the same challenges.”

“The Make it Special group is just one of the many ways in which Carers in the community can be supported. The City of Kalamunda works with a Disability and Carers Advisory Committee (DCAC) and many support organisations to provide and improve services, facilities and programs for people living with disability, their families, and their Carers.”

“If you know someone who is a Carer we encourage everyone to ask them if they need some someone to talk to, or if you can help them in some way”, said Cr Thomas.

The monthly Local Hero Awards are proudly presented by the City of Kalamunda and supported by Echo News. They are a celebration of the people within our neighborhoods who are passionate about making a difference, freely volunteering to give back to the community. Award winners receive a $50 KalaCash gift card.