
Jason Turner: Local Hero Builds Community at Walliston Primary School

15 September 2021

Nominated for being a highly valued and active volunteer at Walliston Primary School, Jason Turner is the latest winner of a City of Kalamunda Community Local Hero Award. Jason was presented with his award by Mayor Margaret Thomas JP at a recent school assembly.

Jason is regularly seen working behind the scenes and is the driver behind many major projects including a new bike rack, kitchen garden, installation of the STW9 Tower, 50th Anniversary signature bricks, sourcing materials, upcycling seating, and building gabion bench seats to address a request for seating by the Student Leadership team and to create a Yarning Circle for NAIDOC celebrations. He assisted the school gardener to prepare the school grounds for the bush fire season and installed picture display wires in all classrooms to showcase student work for the school’s open night.

“Walliston Primary School enrols families not just students. Parents and caregivers are at the heart of our school. I am so grateful for everything they do to support our school, whether that be fund-raising, supporting learning, or implementing significant school projects,” said Principal Craig Mainard.

Outside of the school, Jason supports the community as coach, runner or volunteer for the Gully’s basketball team, Kalamunda Tigers Year 5 football team and the Lesmurdie-Mazenod junior cricket team.

Mayor Margaret Thomas JP said, “Being actively involved in your child’s school and extra-curricular endeavors helps more than just one individual. The benefits filter out, supporting all students, their families, staff and our extended community.”