
Senior Local Hero Eileen Stark: Growing healthy spaces with local youth.

29 June 2022

City of Kalamunda resident, Eileen Stark was presented with a Senior Local Hero Award at a recent Adopt a Patch bush-care session held with students from High Wycombe Primary School.

Ms Stark was acknowledged for her volunteer work nurturing her local community for over 30 years, most recently as Friends Group Coordinator for Markham Road Reserve, High Wycombe; and earlier as a volunteer with the local Girl Guides and being instrumental in establishing the Kindergarten in High Wycombe.

Ms Stark is a passionate advocate for the preservation of Blancoa canescens (Winter Bell) a plant species native to the area, growing cocky food, bee keeping and educating young people about caring for the environment.

Under Ms Stark’s guidance the students spent the session learning about the importance of weeding, watering; planting over 50 native seedlings and creating a healthier space for them and their families to grow up in.

Mayor Margaret Thomas JP commented, “We are fortunate to have members of our community who share their knowledge, passion, experience and time investing in our youth and actively caring for the environment”.

Caption: Senior Local Hero, Ms Eileen Stark with High Wycombe Students, City of Kalamunda Environmental Education and Engagement Officer, Ms Taylor, and Uncle Neville Collard.