
Scheme Amendment No. 81

2 February 2018

Closed on 5pm on 22 March 2018

Notice is hereby given the City of Kalamunda has prepared the proposed Local Planning Scheme No. 3 – Scheme Amendment No. 81: Modifying Table 1 (Zoning Table) of Local Planning Scheme No. 3 to classify the use of ‘Consulting Rooms’ in the Residential zone to an ‘A’ use.

Documents relating to the proposed Scheme Amendment are:

Alternatively, the associated documents are also available for viewing at the Administration, 2 Railway Road in Kalamunda during business hours.


If you would like to comment on the proposed Scheme Amendment please provide a submission referencing the amendment number via:

Online: submit online here
By Email:
By Post: City of Kalamunda, PO Box 42, Kalamunda 6926

Comments are to be received by 5pm on 22 March 2018