
Scheme Amendment No. 96

2 February 2018

Closed on 5pm on 23 April 2018

Notice is hereby given the City of Kalamunda has prepared the proposed Local Planning Scheme No. 3 – Scheme Amendment No. 96 for the purpose of:

  1. Amending Table 1 – Zoning Table, by modifying the use class permissibility in the District Centre, Commercial and Residential Zones.
  2. Inserting a new definition for Small Bar under the ‘Land use terms used in the Scheme’, in accordance with the Model Provision definition under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, as follows, "Small bar means premises the subject of a small bar licence granted under the Liquor Control Act 1988".

Documents relating to the proposed Scheme Amendment are:

Alternatively, the associated documents are also available for viewing at the Administration, 2 Railway Road in Kalamunda during business hours.


If you would like to comment on the proposed Scheme Amendment please provide a submission with reference to amendment number via:

Online: submit online here
By Email:
By Post: City of Kalamunda, PO Box 42, Kalamunda 6926

Comments are to be received by 5pm on 23 April 2018