
Approval of P-DEV 45: Public Notification of Planning Proposals

5 February 2018

Council at its Ordinary Meeting held 19 December 2017 resolved to proceed with amending P-DEV 45 – Public Notification of Planning Proposals.

The Policy is now operational and provides guidance on the exercise of discretion under the Scheme in terms of when public advertising is undertaken, and the means and duration of public advertising periods for different types and levels of planning proposals.

Policy Objectives

a) To recognise the importance of community and stakeholder engagement in the assessment and determination of planning proposals.

b) To provide a consistent approach on the circumstances when the City undertakes public advertising of planning proposals, as well as the means and duration of public advertising periods;

c) To recognise not all planning proposals should be advertised in the same manner, and that discretion should be applied on a case by case basis given the varying significance, scale and nature of proposals received by the City;

d) To recognise the balance between the need for the community to be informed of, and have reasonable opportunity to provide input into planning proposals and the timely and accurate determination of planning proposals;

e) Within the operative statutory framework, to achieve an appropriate balance between the community’s reasonable expectations and the applicants’ development entitlements; and

f) To encourage a practical administrative process of public advertising for planning proposals.

View the Planning Policy (P-DEV 45)

All planning policies can also be viewed on our website:

Alternatively a copy of the Policy is available at the Administration, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda during office hours.