A major milestone has been reached for the Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area (MKSEA) with public comment invited on the rezoning of land in Precincts 2 and 3B. The City is proposing two amendments to Town Planning Scheme No. 6 to rezone land to Business Development.
The City of Gosnells (City) and the State Government have identified MKSEA as a major industrial and commercial area through a number of planning strategies. If the rezoning is approved, a Structure Plan will need to be prepared for approval by the Western Australian Planning Commission. Once approved, the Structure Plan will inform the layout and requirements for future subdivisions and development of the area.
The Greater Brixton Street Wetlands are located between Precincts 2 and 3B. The proposed scheme amendments do not propose any changes to the existing reservations or Bush Forever sites which apply to these wetlands.
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) determined that the scheme amendments should be formally assessed under the Environmental Protection Act 1986. An Environmental Review report has been prepared by the City and is released for public viewing along with the amendment documents.
- Amendment 166 rezones approximately 66.8ha in Precinct 3B from 'General Rural' to 'Business Development'
- Amendment 169 rezones approximately 177.7ha in Precinct 2 from 'General Rural' to 'Business Development'
Have Your Say:
- The City invites comments on Amendments 166 and 169 to Town Planning Scheme No. 6.
- The City of Gosnells invites comments on the Environmental Review Document and supporting technical documents.
Copies of the documents may be downloaded here and can also be viewed online at https://yoursay.gosnells.wa.gov.au/mksea or at:
- City of Gosnells, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells WA 6110.
- Knowledge Centre Gosnells
- Thornlie Library
- Mills Park Library
- Amherst Village Library
- Battye Library Perth
Submissions close at midnight Monday 7 August 2023.
- Complete the Submission form at https://yoursay.gosnells.wa.gov.au/mksea or
- Post to: City of Gosnells, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells WA 6110