Update - 4 October 2021

The engagement report detailing community feedback for the future use of the overflow carpark at Jorgensen Park is now available via the documents folder.

City Officers will brief Council and community at the Public Agenda Briefing on Tuesday, 5 October, with the item to go to the October Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 12 October. Both meetings will be held at the City of Kalamunda Administration Building, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda, starting at 6:30pm.

Community members are welcome to attend both meetings and are encouraged to ask questions or make a statement.

A copy of the Agenda is available via: Public Agenda Briefing Forum 5 October 2021 (windows.net)

Have Your Say! Feedback closed: 5pm, 31 August 2021

We want to hear from you. Popularity of the Kalamunda Community Centre and Jorgensen Park continues to grow and we want to hear from both local residents and visitors so we can better understand levels of parking and traffic to determine what’s needed to deliver a great experience for everyone!

Have Your Say


Comments close: 5pm, Tuesday 31 August 2021.

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Have Your Say
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
In my opinion, the parking and traffic is a significant problem that needs addressing:
In my opinion, the parking and traffic is a significant problem that needs addressing:
I support the overflow carpark being always open:
I support the overflow carpark being always open:
I support opening the overflow carpark daily from 7am and 4pm:
I support opening the overflow carpark daily from 7am and 4pm:
Would you support:
Sealing of the overflow car park for all weather access
Sealing of the overflow car park for all weather access
Further expansion of car parking in to the cleareed areas of Jorgensen Park
Further expansion of car parking in to the cleareed areas of Jorgensen Park
For what reasons do you currently use/access the area (tick all that apply):
How often do you visit:
When do you usually visit:
How do you access the area:

About You

Are you:
Please keep me informed about:

Quick Poll

Quick Poll – Jorgensen Park Car Park

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 82