*These native plants provide essential food for Black-Cockatoos.
Darling Range Ghost Gum
Two-leaf Hakea
White Myrtle
Graceful Honeymyrtle
Plumed Featherflower
Kangaroo Paw, Red & Green
Firewood Banksia (dwarf)
Silky-leaved Blood Flower
*Mungite (Poolgarla): Banksia grandis (Bull Banksia)
Bull Banksia is an easy-to-grow, medium tree with showy yellow flowers and attractive foliage.
- Size: Medium tree with a maximum height up to 10m
- Flower: Yellow
- Flowering Time: Djilba-Birak (Sep-Dec)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Suitable for a sunny position.
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Generally, not needed.
- Habitat: Invertebrates, Birds, Reptiles, and Mammals.
Rewild: Bull Banksia • ReWild Perth
Florabase: Taxon Profile of Banksia grandis Willd. | Florabase
Eucalyptus laeliae (Darling Range Ghost Gum)
A medium-sized tree with a lovely smooth white trunk and masses of white flowers in summer.
- Performance: Low maintenance garden, Drought resistant
- Size: Small tree grows around 10-20 metres high and 6 metres wide
- Flower: White
- Flowering Time: Birak – Bunuru (Dec – Feb)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Suitable for a sunny position.
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Generally, not needed.
- Habitat: Invertebrates, Birds
Florabase: Taxon Profile of Eucalyptus laeliae Podger & Chippend. | Florabase
Gardening with Angus: Eucalyptus laeliae – Ghost Gum | Gardening With Angus
*Hakea trifurcate (Two-leaf Hakea)
An easy-to-grow, large shrub with fine, divided foliage and white flowers.
- Size: Large shrub with a maximum height of 3.5m
- Flower: White
- Flowering Time: Markuru – Kambarang (Jul – Oct)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Adaptable to sunny and light-shade positions
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Generally, not needed.
- Habitat: Invertebrates, Birds, Reptiles, and Mammals
Rewild:Two-leaf Hakea • ReWild Perth
Waterwise:Waterwise Plant Details
Hemiandra pungens (Snakebush)
An easy-to-grow, spiky groundcover with bronze new foliage and white to purple, fluted flowers.
- Size: Groundcover spreading to 2m with a maximum height up to 10cm
- Flower: Purple
- Flowering Time: All year
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Adaptable to sunny and light-shade positions
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required
- Pruning: Generally, not needed
- Habitat: Invertebrates, and Reptiles
Rewild: Snakebush • ReWild Perth
Waterwise: Waterwise Plant Details
Kudjidi: Hypocalymma angustifolium (White Myrtle)
An attractive shrub to 1m high with pretty white/pink flowers.
- Performance: Easy to grow
- Size: Small shrub
- Flower: Pink/white
- Flowering Time: Makuru – Kambarang (Jul – Oct)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Adaptable to sunny and light shade positions
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required
- Pruning: Generally, not needed
- Habitat: Invertebrates
Waterwise: Waterwise Plant Details
Gardening with Angus: Hypocalymma angustifolium – Myrtle | Gardening With Angus
Melaleuca radula (Graceful Honeymyrtle)
A small to medium-sized shrub with pinkish mauve flowers during winter and spring. A shade-tolerant resprouter that attracts bees and birds.
- Size: Small to medium shrub up to 2.4m high
- Flower: Pinkish mauve
- Flowering Time: Djilba – Kambarang (July – November)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Adaptable to sunny and light-shade positions
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Generally, not needed.
- Habitat: Invertebrates, and Birds
Florabase: Taxon Profile of Melaleuca radula Lindl. | Florabase
Verticordia plumosa (Plumed Featherflower)
An easy-to-grow, small shrub with grey-green foliage and attractive pink flowerheads.
- Size: Small shrub with a maximum height 1m
- Flower: Pink
- Flowering Time: Djilba – Birak (Sep – Dec)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Adaptable to sunny and light-shade positions
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Generally not needed.
- Habitat: Invertebrates
Rewild: Plumed Featherflower • ReWild Perth
Waterwise: Waterwise Plant Details
Kurulbrang: Anigozanthos manglesii (Kangaroo Paw, Red & Green)
Western Australia's state floral emblem. They are clumping, strap-leaved plants with stunning red and green flowers.
- Size: Annual with a maximum height up to 1m
- Flower: Red/Green
- Flowering Time: Djilba – Kambarang (Sep – Nov)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Suitable for a sunny position.
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Remove dead or failing flowers.
- Habitat: Invertebrates, Birds, and Mammals
Rewild: Red and Green Kangaroo Paw • ReWild Perth
Waterwise: Waterwise Plant Details
Bulgalla: Banksia menziesii (Firewood Banksia (dwarf)
An easy-to-grow small tree with showy red flowers and attractive foliage.
- Size: Medium tree with a maximum height up to 1.5m
- Flower: Red or Yellow
- Flowering Time: Bunuru-Djilba (Feb – Aug)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Suitable for a sunny position.
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Generally, not needed.
- Habitat: Invertebrates, Birds, Reptiles, and Mammals
Rewild: Firewood Banksia • ReWild Perth
Waterwise: Waterwise Plant Details
Kwowdjard: Calothamnus sanguineus (Silky-leaved Blood Flower)
An easy-to-grow, medium shrub with red flowers.
- Size: Medium shrub with a maximum height 1.5m
- Flower: Red
- Flowering Time: Bunuru – Kambarang (Mar – Oct)
- Natural Distribution: Grows locally in the Perth region
- Position: Adaptable to sunny and light-shade positions
- Watering: A waterwise, drought-hardy plant.
- Feeding: Fertiliser not required.
- Pruning: Tip pruning a couple of times a year.
- Habitat: Invertebrates, Birds, Reptiles, Frogs, and Mammals
Rewild: Silky-leaved Blood Flower • ReWild Perth
Waterwise: Waterwise Plant Details
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Contact Information Phone (08) 9257 9999 Email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au Website www.kalamunda.wa.gov.au/