DA24/0500 - Proposed Additions to Existing Distillery (Restaurant and New Distillery)– Lot 1 (90) Walnut Road, Bickley

The City of Kalamunda has received a development application for a restaurant and distillery at the above-mentioned site. The City previously approved an application in 2020 for a distillery to be operated from the site within the existing shed. The new distillery will replace the existing distillery should the application be supported by the City.

The application comprises of the following:

  1. A new single storey building that will be used as the distillery and restaurant and comprises a floor area of 401sqm.
  2. 27 parking bays (inclusive of one accessible bay)
  3. Restaurant has a maximum seating capacity of 50 patrons
  4. Proposed hours of operation are Monday-Sunday 6am-9pm
  5. The building is setback compliant from the street and lot boundaries in accordance with the scheme and the overall bulk and scale is consistent with the objectives of the rural Agriculture zone.

In support of the application the proponent has submitted the following technical documents available in the document library (right):

  1. Bushfire Management Plan
  2. Evacuation Plan
  3. Transport Impact Statement
  4. Site and Soil Evaluation Report
  5. Stormwater Management Plan
  6. Wastewater treatment Plan
  7. Development plans

Prior to considering the application, it is Council’s policy to give affected landowners the opportunity to provide a submission on the application. Should you wish to provide a comment on the application please do so below. Alternatively, you may provide an email submission to enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au. When providing a submission please quote the reference number DA24/0500 and provide your contact details (full name, address, and email address).

Should you wish to make a submission on the application please do so by 5pm on the 3rd of February 2025.

Should you have difficulties in accessing the application please contact the City’s Approval Services on 9257 9876.