The City of Kalamunda adopted Kalamunda Engages, its strategic community engagement framework, in June 2017.
The City of Kalamunda welcomes your engagement and communication. We are committed to providing our community members with opportunities to be informed, participate, engage and contribute to issues affecting you and your City.
The City is committed to continual improvement of its community engagement.
We want to hear your feedback, thoughts and ideas on projects, policies and matters that are being shared on our engagement hub. This online space gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts on the things that interest and affect you.
If you live, work, visit or socialise in the City of Kalamunda, we encourage you to join the conversation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions relating to the use of this engagement portal.
- Why do I need to register to use this site?
- What we collect from you?
- How do I create an user account?
- What happens to my feedback?
- What is the etiquette to participate in the on-line activities?
- How are comments moderated?
- What rules apply to the online engagement?
- How can I provide feedback or make suggestions not relevant to the engagement activity being undertaken?
- Is my privacy protected?