

22 July 2020

The City of Kalamunda consulted with adjacent landowners and the broader community, to understand the community's vision for Heidelberg Park, a vacant site on the corner of Pomeroy and Canning Road.

Engagement Activities & Promotion

The project underwent an extensive community engagement process, with a Visioning Workshop held on site and facilitated by Spaced Out Placemakers to identify the community's vision. The workshop was attended by adjacent landowners and advocates for aged care. The survey and workshop was also promoted through the City's social media channels, two rounds of print advertisements in the Echo and Southern Gazette newspapers, signage on site and a community pop-up at the Kalamunda Farmer's Markets. Key stakeholder groups such as Environmental Friends Groups, community and sporting clubs, schools and aged care and seniors groups were also contacted via email. The survey recieved 393 responses, and the Visioning Workshop generated 90 responses to the survey and 21 co-design plans prepared by community members. The workshop also generated 82 ideas that were mapped on the park aerial. Key themes or desires that arised were: enhancing the natural environment, need for active spaces and meeting spaces (eg. BBQ areas, playgrounds) and options for integrated aged care to be developed on site.


In November 2019 it was announced that the State Government will acquire management of Heidelberg Park (while Schmitt Road was given back to the City in a land swap) for the specific purpose of developing an aged care facility in the heart of the hills.