
Notice of Upgrade: Mundaring Weir Road

30 July 2018

Over $1.4 million in State Government funding has been awarded for staged shoulder upgrades to Mundaring Weir Road between Fern Road and the City’s boundary with Mundaring. A further $800,000 is being funded by the City.

The works are funded as part of the State Government’s Black Spot program and involve widening road shoulders between 600mm and 1.2m, with actual width being subject to the ground contour adjacent to the road. The funding also includes vegetation removal, which is necessary to ensure safe clearance between the road and tree line.

There have been too many hit object crashes for this section of road. This is a result of the proximity of vegetation to the carriageway and is made more dangerous with the hilly and winding terrain.

Mayor John Giardina said, “We want to ensure that steps are taken to make this stretch of road as safe as possible for our community.”

There will be traffic management on site and short delays whilst works are taking place, but no full road closures will be undertaken.

Tender award is scheduled for Council consideration later in 2018, with works expected to take just under six months to complete, weather permitting.

For more information contact the City of Kalamunda on 9257 9999.